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Sainte-Anne d'Auray - Circuit Lann Hir
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444 Baie de Quiberon 2023 - HD ©Thibault Poriel_792x528
WEBPlanche_183007_Guide_rando_A5 1
444 Baie de Quiberon 2023 - HD ©Thibault Poriel_792x528

Sainte-Anne d'Auray - Lann Hir circuit

56400 Sainte-Anne-d'Auray

Features of the route

Difficulty Easy
Length 00:45:00
Distance 3.5km
Difficulty level: Easy
All year round - Wet in winter This small wetland area (1.7 ha) is rich in biodiversity. It is made up of a mosaic of oak and willow woods and a swampy woodland of birch and pine. Recognized as an area of high ecological interest, it is a refuge for certain species. Based on a management plan, the municipality oversees its development, supported by integration projects that restructure and open up the wetland environment by creating pools, clearing undergrowth and removing invasive plants. A regular inventory of the site enables us to monitor its evolution. Too little known by the general public, wetlands represent an important natural heritage. The creation of an interpretation trail is planned for the near future.

Start: From the campsite, head south towards a hedge on an embankment.

Step by step :

1- At the Chalet, cross the campsite for 250 m, enter the site and turn right to go around the wetland.

2- At the end, another embankment conceals a track. Take it to the right and continue along it.

3- Cross the wooded area and 100 m before the riding school of Kerniolen (Pluneret), turn left at a sign leading back to the wetland. Cross a wooded area leading to a sunken lane (do not take the farm track). Alternative: at the intersection with the riding school, turn right in the direction of Sainte-Anne to arrive near the Motten campsite on rue Jean-Pierre Calloc'h. Turn right to return to the starting point.

4- At the end of the track, take the road on the left (pylon nearby). Continue straight on towards Lomelec.

5- At the village of Lomelec, turn left onto a sunken track. Follow the signs. Turn right, then left after 300 m (west of a housing estate). Go straight on past the properties to the buffer basin. Cross the Kerdeliau housing estate, take the Chemin de Kerdeliau to the left and then straight on for 300 m. Return to the starting point by turning right into the wetland.

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