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Eglise Landaul
© Détour d'art


On the banks of the Ria d'Etel, Landaul is a rural municipality that exhibits a coastal area. In the countryside, there are forests and villages through which freshwater streams flow to the delight of fishermen.

Discover the Sainte-Marie Madeleine church, which is none other than the former Notre-Dame de Bons-secours chapel built in the 15th century.

Découvrez l’église Sainte-Marie Madeleine qui n’est autre que l’ancienne chapelle Notre-Dame de Bons-secours construite au 15ème siècle.

The village of Langombrac'h is a typical Breton village that has preserved its old building and chapel dedicated to Saint-Mamert. This saint is invoked to cure stomach aches. The chapel contains a simple altarpiece and a sarcophagus. A headstone engraved with ancient inscriptions stands proud in the heart of the village.

The gardens of Kérambar'h Castle, classified as an Outstanding Garden, is a metaphorical walk from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance through thematic gardens.