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Plage de Treac'h er Goured
île-photo-aerienne-houat © Patrice Baissac_1656x1105
Treac'h er Goured - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Treac'h er Goured - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Treac'h er Goured - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Dunes - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Dunes - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Dunes - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Dunes - Ile d'Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Treac'h er Goured - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Treac'h er Goured - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud
Treac'h er Goured - Ile d Houat - Morbihan Bretagne sud

Treac'h er Goured beach

Considered one of Brittany's most beautiful beaches, the dune belt of Treac'h ar Goured stretches in an arc over 2 km long, to the east of the island of Houat.

Joined in the middle by a small, damp valley and protected from the prevailing westerly winds, it enjoys a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere most of the year, with only the occasional storm to disturb it.

From the ocean to the summits, every type of dune is present. Embryonic, white, grey and fossil formations intermingle with no other transitions than their singular plant assemblages.

The site is owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral. Unsupervised beach. The island of Houat is only accessible by boat, 30 minutes from Quiberon.

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