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Images animées survitaminées - Les quiquoi et le chien moche dont personne ne veut
Le final du Festival Méliscènes - Le kitch, c'est chic !
Images animées survitaminées - Les quiquoi et le chien moche dont personne ne ve
Le final du Festival Méliscènes - Le kitch, c'est chic !
Images animées survitaminées - Les quiquoi et le chien moche dont personne ne ve
The 16/03/2025

Supercharged animated images - The quiquoias and the ugly dog nobody wants

Centre culturel Athéna Place du Golhérez
56400 Auray
As part of the Méliscènes 2025 Festival

A seriously unwise show!

Petole is bored. If only she had a pet! It just so happens that Pamela has "borrowed" her pencil from Olive, the artist. So she starts drawing a dog that bears little resemblance to her and, above all, is incredibly ugly... In a cartoonish spirit, two performers invite young viewers into one of the zany adventures of the Quiquoi, a band of friends with a strong character.

In a cartoonish spirit, the two performers invite young spectators into one of the zany adventures of the Quiquoi, a band of friends with a strong character. Freely inspired by the children's book of the same name, the show evokes a mischievous sense of humor about relationships with others and difference.

Ages 5 and up

Opening times

On 16/03/2025 from 14:30
On 16/03/2025 from 16:00
See more dates
Centre culturel Athéna Place du Golhérez
56400 Auray



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