Erdeven - Village trail
Complexe sportif
56410 Erdeven
56410 Erdeven
Features of the route
Complexe sportif
56410 Erdeven
56410 Erdeven
Level of difficulty: Medium
All year round - Mountain biking possible
Yellow markings
The countryside west of Erdeven reveals a rich architectural and religious heritage.
Start: Sports complex, grass parking lot. Go around the soccer pitch, take rue du stade towards the village. At the crossroads, take avenue des îles, then the path on the left.
Step by step :
1) Turn right towards Kerdavid (track) and right towards Kerlavart (road). Cross the D105 to Les 7 Saints. After 200 m, take the track on the left. Follow the Dolmens sous tumulus des Sept Saints, two corridor tombs dating from the Neolithic period (7,000 to 4,500 BC). At the crossroads, turn right towards the Chapelle des Sept Saints, restored in 1899 and featuring a statuary-procession of the 7 founders of Breton bishoprics (1905). At the top of the village, turn right towards the fountain and retrace your steps.
2) At Kerihuel, go down to the Pont Queno crossroads, cross the D105.
3) Go to Saint-Germain, and walk around the village, mentioned in the 11th century in the Quimperlé cartulary. The present-day chapel bears the traces of numerous alterations between the 15th and 20th centuries. Back at the village entrance, turn left to the fountain and right to Kerdavid. At the 1st crossroads, turn right. Pass through Kerbosse and then a road to Kerdelam. Follow the track. At the road, turn left towards Kergavat, then right. At Kergavat (road), turn right towards Kerouriec (path).
4) Cross the beach road. Go straight ahead (path) to the Touleupry pond.
5) At the crossroads, you can return to the village via Kervazic. Alternatively, turn right to the Fougueu crossroads and left to Lisveur. The chapel was rebuilt in 1885 on the foundations of an earlier building. The date 1 925 and the inscription "Saint Guillaume protégez nous" were painted on the plaster when the rose window of the west oculus was blocked after the removal of a stained-glass window. The building and north windows were modified and restored by an association in 1993. Before entering the village, turn left to Moulin du Narbon. The windmill was built in 1805. It ceased to operate around 1985. It was restored by an association after the storm of 1987. In the 20th century, it produced rye flour for local residents, and oat and barley flour for animals.
6) Cross the beach road. After 250 m, turn right to Kergouët. Go towards Kermovel. Go down to Kergrosse, around the pond, and see the public fountain, rectangular in plan and covered with large cut granite slabs. It is shown on the 1845 land register. The fountain was restored in 2018. Turn left to reach Loperhet.
7) Go through Loperhet (see chapel), turn left and then left again to reach Kermovel.
8) Turn right up Kerivallan. Take the sentier de l'Océan towards Erdeven, and see the Men Glas Menhir on the left (Neolithic). Although isolated today, it is linked to the Kerzerho Alignments. Follow the bell tower back to the town center.
All year round - Mountain biking possible
Yellow markings
The countryside west of Erdeven reveals a rich architectural and religious heritage.
Start: Sports complex, grass parking lot. Go around the soccer pitch, take rue du stade towards the village. At the crossroads, take avenue des îles, then the path on the left.
Step by step :
1) Turn right towards Kerdavid (track) and right towards Kerlavart (road). Cross the D105 to Les 7 Saints. After 200 m, take the track on the left. Follow the Dolmens sous tumulus des Sept Saints, two corridor tombs dating from the Neolithic period (7,000 to 4,500 BC). At the crossroads, turn right towards the Chapelle des Sept Saints, restored in 1899 and featuring a statuary-procession of the 7 founders of Breton bishoprics (1905). At the top of the village, turn right towards the fountain and retrace your steps.
2) At Kerihuel, go down to the Pont Queno crossroads, cross the D105.
3) Go to Saint-Germain, and walk around the village, mentioned in the 11th century in the Quimperlé cartulary. The present-day chapel bears the traces of numerous alterations between the 15th and 20th centuries. Back at the village entrance, turn left to the fountain and right to Kerdavid. At the 1st crossroads, turn right. Pass through Kerbosse and then a road to Kerdelam. Follow the track. At the road, turn left towards Kergavat, then right. At Kergavat (road), turn right towards Kerouriec (path).
4) Cross the beach road. Go straight ahead (path) to the Touleupry pond.
5) At the crossroads, you can return to the village via Kervazic. Alternatively, turn right to the Fougueu crossroads and left to Lisveur. The chapel was rebuilt in 1885 on the foundations of an earlier building. The date 1 925 and the inscription "Saint Guillaume protégez nous" were painted on the plaster when the rose window of the west oculus was blocked after the removal of a stained-glass window. The building and north windows were modified and restored by an association in 1993. Before entering the village, turn left to Moulin du Narbon. The windmill was built in 1805. It ceased to operate around 1985. It was restored by an association after the storm of 1987. In the 20th century, it produced rye flour for local residents, and oat and barley flour for animals.
6) Cross the beach road. After 250 m, turn right to Kergouët. Go towards Kermovel. Go down to Kergrosse, around the pond, and see the public fountain, rectangular in plan and covered with large cut granite slabs. It is shown on the 1845 land register. The fountain was restored in 2018. Turn left to reach Loperhet.
7) Go through Loperhet (see chapel), turn left and then left again to reach Kermovel.
8) Turn right up Kerivallan. Take the sentier de l'Océan towards Erdeven, and see the Men Glas Menhir on the left (Neolithic). Although isolated today, it is linked to the Kerzerho Alignments. Follow the bell tower back to the town center.