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© Alexandre Lamoureux

The megaliths of Locmariaquer

It is here in Locmariaquer that you discover the famous site of megaliths, which includes three majestic Prehistoric monuments.

Encounter the prehistoric man by admiring the Table des marchands, a dolmen with a passage and decorated slabs in addition to the Great Broken Menhir, a giant block of granite 20.60m long and weighing 280 tons, now in 4 pieces. The burial mound of Er Grah, funeral architecture, is also bound to impress you with its proportions.


The Great Broken Menhir

A huge granite block of 20.60metre long and weighing 280 tons, Le Grand Menhir Brisé is the largest monolith ever erected by man at that time. As the oldest of the three monuments, it will surprise you by its importance and will catch your full attention.


The burial mound of Er Grah and the dolmen of the Table des Marchands are testimony to the funeral rites practiced in Brittany in the Neolithic period.

The dolmen of the Table des Marchands is of the passage tomb category and has two magnificent decorated slabs. Er Grah's burial mound belongs to the category of closed individual sepultures.

Visiting this site will allow you to learn about civilisation and megalithic architecture, in an impressive environment, thanks to the view onto the Gulf of Morbihan.


In summer, take part in a guided tour of the megaliths organised by the Tourist Office.

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