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Concert Choeur des 4 vents
The 15/03/2025

Concert by Choeur des 4 vents

Eglise Saint-Joseph 162 Rue du Kreisker
56470 La Trinité-sur-Mer
The Chœur des 4 Vents, founded in 1987 in Riantec and since directed by Annie Guillas, brings together 45 amateur choristers, beginners or experienced, united by a passion for singing. It covers a wide repertoire of music, from the 16th to the 21st century, including a large proportion of sacred music.

Free admission.

Opening times

On 15/03/2025 from 20:30
See more dates
Eglise Saint-Joseph 162 Rue du Kreisker
56470 La Trinité-sur-Mer


Free participation

Spoken languages


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