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Rocher à rocher - #20 spéciale "Fullmoon"
Rocher à rocher 5ème édition (spéciale fullmoon) - 1
The 18/09/2024

Rocher à rocher - #20 "Fullmoon" special

Parking du Beach Bar à Penthièvre 2 Avenue de Saint-Malo
56510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon
The hike skirts the coast at night, offering you a sunset and a full moonrise with your feet in the water. "INEQUALABLE

Total: 10km. From Erdeven to Fort de Penthièvre.
We'll meet at 6.45pm at the Beach bar parking lot in Penthièvre to suit up and check registrations.
Then, with a minimum of cars, we'll head for the beach at Kerhilio Erdeven, where the starting point is at around 8pm.

Alternating between 1km of water walking and 1km of beach walking over 10km to Fort Penthièvre.
You'll only be doing this challenge as part of a group. That's right, for everyone's safety and comfort!

Wetsuit and gloves hire (€5) on 06 13 63 62 30.
Reservations on the website.

Home-made sweet and savoury pastries welcome.

Price: €25

Information on transport and organization: 06 13 63 62 30.

Opening times

On 18/09/2024 from 18:45
See more dates
Parking du Beach Bar à Penthièvre 2 Avenue de Saint-Malo
56510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon


Base rate 25 €



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