The 18/01/2025
Chasseurs de sons" musical show
"Chasseur de sons" by Compagnie Bled'N'Pop
Alréan multi-instrumentalist and sound creator Hocine Hadjali invites us on a playful journey of tales and music, to the heart of the surprising and funny stories of musical instruments and cultures from different continents.
The show will be preceded by a "Sound Painting" with participants in the musical instrument-making workshop organized on Wednesday 15th (Registration at StanG).
Alréan multi-instrumentalist and sound creator Hocine Hadjali invites us on a playful journey of tales and music, to the heart of the surprising and funny stories of musical instruments and cultures from different continents.
The show will be preceded by a "Sound Painting" with participants in the musical instrument-making workshop organized on Wednesday 15th (Registration at StanG).
Opening times
On 18/01/2025
from 18:00
to 19:30
See more dates
Place Notre Dame des Orties
56330 Pluvigner
56330 Pluvigner
Base rate
8 € in 12 €
Children's rate
5 € in 8 €
Subscriber rate
8 €
Reduced rate
5 € in 8 €