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Waterpolo de la chandeleur
carnac - 1
The 02/02/2025

Candlemas Waterpolo

Plage de Légénèse Boulevard de Légénèse
56340 Carnac
On Sunday February 2, 2APA and Galettes et compagnie will be celebrating Candlemas with a waterpolo followed by all-you-can-eat crêpes and galettes.

Meet at 9.45am on the Légénèse beach in Carnac to begin the sporting activity at 10am. Rendezvous at 11am to share treats (galettes saucisses and all-you-can-eat sweet crêpes).

Registration on the website and information by phone.

Opening times

On 02/02/2025 from 10:00
See more dates
Plage de Légénèse Boulevard de Légénèse
56340 Carnac


Base rate (Activité et repas) 30 €
Reduced rate (Repas seulement) 10 €



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