Détour d’Art: visit the gems of the religious heritage
14th edition from July 6th to September 20th, 2020
Détour d’Art is an invitation to visit Breton churches and chapels. Driving, walking or cycling, you will discover 19 outstanding sites with their local history, their beautiful architecture, their sacred objects and stunning decors.
4 themed discoveries will help you choose the monuments : Famous historic places, Style over the course of time, Sacred art and sacred decors, Meet with the unusual.

- Prepare your visit
Map and all visits are free. You will find documents in English for consultation on-site. Volunteers will welcome you at several of these monuments.
- Mystery hunt, Searching for the keys of time
Conduct an investigation at Sainte-Anne d’Auray sanctuary to find the exact place where the statue of Sainte Anne was discovered a long time ago. Observation, deduction, messages to decipher are the challenges you will have to face. Game sheet in English available at the tourist offices, 1€.

- Détour d’Art on foot and by bicycle
Détour d’Art is also about walking or cycling, enjoying a hike at the heart of nature and through the villages whilst discovering the religious heritage of Brittany. Hiking maps can be downloaded from detourdart.com or are sold in the tourist offices.
- Chapels in concert
Attend the enchanting classical and sacred tunes of concerts.
Guided tours in French / Documentation in English

Nouveauté 2024 : visites théâtralisées
Visites théâtralisées : Envie de découvrir l'histoire de façon originale ? Voyagez dans le temps en suivant nos guides tout droit sortis du passé. Et pour pimenter l'expérience, ces visites on lieu au crépuscule. Programme des visites.
Ateliers en famille : atelier vitrail et atelier héraldique (science du blason). Des ateliers pour petits et grands ! Découvrir la programmation.
More information on the website: www.detourdart.com