This monument impresses by its size and physiognomy. The chapel houses a rare piece: a polychrome, Renaissance-style rood screen, entirely carved. Made of…
The chapel is believed to have been built in the 11th century by the monks of Saint-Gildas de Rhuys, who owned property and land in the village. The site…
The village, situated on a hill, overlooks the port. It's made up of old fishermen's houses and a maze of narrow, dry-stone-walled streets. At the heart…
This rectangular chapel features buttresses with recesses and pinnacles, crosses and rampant cabbages. It has a square bell tower above the west door,…
The history of Sainte-Anne d'Auray is said to have begun in the 17th century, with the apparitions of Saint Anne, mother of Mary, to Yves Nicolazic, a…
Refurbished in 1899. It soon fell into disrepair, and attempts to protect it only accelerated its decline. At the end of the 20th century, an association…
The Duke of Brittany, Jean II, crowned in Rennes in 1286, appreciated Auray. He is said to have founded a chapel of the Holy Sepulchre. It was located to…
It has been restored several times. The date 1635 can be read on the chevet wall, against which stands an altarpiece made of rectangular compartments,…
The choir window bears the date 1659, but there must have been an earlier chapel. The chapel is dedicated to Saint Maurille, but three other saints are…
Level of difficulty: Medium (average height difference: 160m)
Route n°3 bleu - From the Atlantic coast to the Erdeven forest, from the dunes to the park…