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The Association Sportive du Golf Club de la Presqu'île de Quiberon organizes during the winter season individual Pitch & Putt competitions, enabling…
Created in 1946, La Maison d'Armorine perpetuates the know-how of the "Breton grandmothers" by making sweet sweets with salted butter caramel. Today,…
Locmariaquer expo DisParures 2024_page-0001
Dis-parures" exhibition at the Locmariaquer megalith site. Students in the 6ème A class at Le Verger d'Auray secondary school and the 1ères…
Chasseurs de sons
"Chasseur de sons" by Compagnie Bled'N'Pop Alréan multi-instrumentalist and sound creator Hocine Hadjali invites us on a playful journey of tales and…
For 2,000 years, people from all walks of life travelled China's caravan trails which, from the imperial city of Xi'an, crossed the hostile deserts of the…
Sortie arbres hiver botanique
Learn to recognize trees in winter by observing their silhouette, their bark, their buds... an opportunity to (re)discover their history, their uses and…
Optimiser son espace chez soi télétravail
Are you an employee or freelancer who feels a lack of concentration when teleworking? Are you also feeling tired? Marie-Ange Hartmann, a consultant in…
Atelier d’initiation au neuro dessin
Marie-Laure CLERET, Coach & "Neurographica" Specialist, offers you a workshop on "Creating abundance in your life with Neuro Drawing". You'll…
Visite Belle Iloise1
Discover the Belle-Iloise factory in Quiberon. A free 45-minute guided tour combines the discovery of a modern canning factory, the observation of…
Apéros Klam d'hiver - Passion Coco
Winter Klam Aperos - Passion Coco Cumbia ball The Passion Coco quartet combines its influences to create a new kind of music, where traditional Colombian…
Recyclage festif 2
The Land'astuces association looks forward to seeing you this Saturday for the 2nd edition of 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐘𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐄…
Les nuits de la lecture
The mediatheque's pyjama evening is back on Friday January 24. On the program: Max Ducos albums, board games, picnic and relaxation. For children aged 6…
Loto of the Entente Sportive Ploemeloise. Salle du Groez Ven, Ploemel 🥪Sandwiches 🥧 Cakes🍹 Refreshments
Fest-Deiz "Duo Esthervé" - Association Dalc'h Ataù
Fest Deiz organized by the Dalc'h Ataù association with the Dalch' Atau groups, accompanied by the Harold Kotri group.
Spectacle - Le sourire des objets
Music, dance and poetry show A humorous, offbeat plunge into everyday physical life. To open up a journey. Listen to objects, what they say about us, how…
This year, we'll be celebrating "Reading Night" with a big banquet. An evening of fun and games to celebrate reading. Everyone brings their own meal and…
Café de l Amitié Quiberon 1
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society invites you one Monday a month for a fraternal moment in a friendly atmosphere. We look forward to seeing many of…
Parure en coquillage
Men have been making jewelry since prehistoric times. Make your own bracelet from shells. Workshop for ages 4 and up.
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